Sell My House to Homeschool The Kids

I’m surprised to say it, but I have to sell my house to homeschool my kids. The public schools are closed due to Coronavirus safety concerns, and there’s no guarantee they will be opening up for normal classroom instruction next fall. It’s not possible to know what’s going to happen two or three months from now.

That’s why our family has made the tough decision to move to another part of the country where homeschooling has well-organized, low-cost local support. We need to move there quickly to take advantage of summer programs, which is why I must sell my house immediately.

Finding a buyer has turned out to be quite easy because other parents who are making the same decision and selling their home nearby, too, referred us to the professional home buyers at We Pay Fast.  It may be the perfect solution for us.

We Pay Fast Buys Homes Quickly

Professional home buyers are in the day-to-day business of buying homes to remodel and re-sell, or to keep in their investment portfolio as rental property. They buy from sellers all over the country who want to sell quickly and get cash for their home equity. That describes me perfectly. I need a quick home sale so we can move away, and I only want to deal with a cash buyer who has no need to apply for a mortgage loan.

I’ll be calling We Pay Fast at 405-521-1807 or emailing to speak to an investor about buying my house. If they are interested and we negotiate a sale price agreeable to both parties, the closing can be scheduled in as little as a week to ten days from signing the agreement.  We Pay Fast not only pays fast, but they pay all the closing costs as well.

We Pay Fast may offer the ideal solution to the pressure I’m feeling to sell my house to homeschool the kids in another part of the country.


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